The challenge in New England is how to preserve food from November to May when the garden is bare (other than Kale, Chard, and Collards which grow well in cold frames).
During the month of October we pickled, canned, and froze our fruits and vegetables to prepare for the winter ahead.
We also created a root cellar in our basement to store turnips, potatoes, carrots, rutabegas and dozens of different types of squash. My favorite squash is Hubbard, which keeps for 6 months at 50-55 degrees. Hubbard squash used to be a very popular squash in the US, but today fewer people cook and the varieties available in supermarkets are limited.
Just about every home in New England has a basement. Most basements are too warm for winter food storage, but there are two techniques that work well. The first is easy - the bulkhead leading down to the cellar stays above freezing, so we loaded the steps down the basement with vegetables. The other is to create ventilation into a closed part of the basement.
Here's how it works.
Traditionally, the root cellar was an underground space built under or near the home, insulated by the ground and vented so cold air could flow in and warm air out in the fall. Then when winter temperatures arrived, the vents were closed, and the cellar stayed cold but not freezing. You can create an indoor version of the cellars that have long served homesteaders well by walling off a basement corner and adding the vents, allowing the temperature to remain near freezing through the winter months.
There are several good online resources describing how to build a root cellar
Mother Earth News
Earth House
Organic Gardening
Back to the Land
There are also several good books available for help in cellaring in the modern home or apartment.
Root Cellaring
Putting Food By
Over the next 6 months of cold weather, we'll see how long the root cellar lasts. I look forward to reliving the summer and fall harvest every time I cut open a squash or open a jar.
I subscribe to a CSA every year. My solution to the abundance of vegetables is to parboil and freeze them.
I remember seeing an article on modern Japanese apartments that actually had a root cellar built below the kitchen floor...great idea. I'd also love to see potatoes come in paper sacks again.
I was surprised to see a Trader Joe's bag in your photo. I was horrified the first time I went there to find most of it's products come from the far east.
The Trader Joes bag is for storing potatoes. It's a leftover bag from a Sake purchase last year
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