Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Meaningful Use 2 and 3 Do It Yourself Presentation

Just as with Stage 1, it's likely that you'll be presenting the proposed Stage 2 and 3 Meaningful Use criteria to your stakeholders and boards.

Here's a comprehensive comparison of Stage 1, 2 and 3, but you'll likely want the Cliff's Notes version for your presentation.

Here's the presentation I'm using in my lectures which highlights the major changes.

Feel free to use it without attribution!

I hope it saves you time.


  1. John,

    This is really helpful! WRT the web-based-access to e-health data, how do you propose to administer this? I would love to get a blog post about that.

    How do you assign user ids for web access? How do you administer passwords and the churn they generate. Does this require you to provide "customer support" functions for patients who need help with the access... I've done this work in the manufacturing sector, and websites are a lot of work!

    Would love to see examples of how this could be done.


  2. One thing readers should keep in mind is that these aren't really "proposed" stage 2 and 3 measures, but rather preliminary recommendations of the MU Workgroup that will need to be vetted by the HIT Policy Committee before going up to ONC (and CMS) as merely advice -- nothing more.

    The true "proposed" stage 2 will be in the form of the CMS/ONC proposed rules in late 2011 or early 2012.

  3. John,

    As always, much appreciation for sharing your information and tools with us. It makes many lives much more productive.


  4. John,

    As always, I learn so much from hearing you speak at the HIT Policy meetings or reading your blogs. Robin Raiford introduced us a few years back when I was participating in the HITSP workgroups. I now educate my organization in areas such as this and always learn from your posting. Thank you for sharing.

    Nan Sloan
