Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Japanese Earthquake

Having returned from Japan a few days ago, I am very close to many people there and am monitoring the tragedy closely.  The Japan Society of Boston has provided the update below in an attempt to summarize the current situation and highlight available information resources:

Dear Japan Society members and friends,

As each day passes and the extent of the damage becomes more apparent, our hearts go out to all affected by this disaster.  NHK is reporting that the death toll in Miyagi prefecture alone is expected to reach 10,000 people.

We are receiving many calls and emails from people trying to contact friends and family in Japan.  Please take a moment to visit our website . We have many links to people finder services, as well as a forum for all to post thoughts, prayers, requests for information about people, and news updates.  In addition there is information from the Japanese Government requesting that donations be made through the Red Cross.

One major concern for everyone is the damage to the nuclear power plants in Fukushima.  Please note that many news outlets are describing this erroneously as a "nuclear blast." Though we share in the concern about a nuclear meltdown it is important that we not sensationalize this already unfathomable disaster, by calling it a "nuclear blast." The major concern at this time is that the cooling systems are  malfunctioning, leading to a possible meltdown in the reactors. As of this writing it is being reported that both incidents are rated 4 out of 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale.

The Japan Society of Boston will continue to follow the situation in Japan closely and will keep you updated as news comes in.

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