Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Today the Senate voted 61-37 to approve the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which includes important investments in health information technology and in research on the comparative effectiveness of various health care tests and treatments. These investments will quickly increase jobs in healthcare and eventually improve the quality of health care for every American. It's a milestone achievement.

Commentary has recently appeared in the press which misinterprets provisions in the bill.

Staff in the Senate have provided this FAQ to dispel any rumors you may read.

If your colleagues see any misinformation in the press, please point them to this FAQ. We do not want inaccurate commentary to undermine this thoughtful legislation.


  1. Thanks for the FAQ John :-)
    It is VERY timely...

  2. "Thoughtful Legislation?" LOL.

    "The party is over" as our President has announced, but HIT got a piece of the Pelosi pie under the radar to take home as a doggie bag.

    This is something to be proud of?

  3. It is apparent the Kool-Aid already has been distributed - and consumed....

  4. Here's an ... amusing? disturbing? .... exegesis of what the right wing media have done, in just the last 48 hours, with the misinformation you cite: A conservative lie case study, at Political Animal.
