Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Massachusetts Clinical Data Exchange Legal Agreements

Across the country, many towns, states, and regions are thinking about clinical data sharing. There is substantial variation in the business models, the data shared, and the stakeholders involved.

However, every clinical data sharing entity needs an operating agreement to create the organization and a customer agreement to add trading partners.

In the interest of transparency, I am posting the

Operating Agreement for MA-Share, our regional clinical data exchange

and the

Customer Agreement, which is used to sign up payers, providers, pharmacy benefit managers and other stakeholders.

Feel free to use these agreements for your data exchange activities.

Let me know about your successes, challenges, and lessons learned along the way as you implement clinical data exchange.


  1. John,
    Thanks for being transparent and sharing the Massachusetts Data Sharing Agreements.

    As a board member of the West Virginia Health Information Network, and health care lawyer I appreciate the transparency. We are currently working through many similar issues on data sharing.

    I may take your lead and plan to post the final result of our agreements and make them available for you and others to see and compare.

    I enjoy reading your post and look forward to our paths crossing and meeting in person sometime.

  2. John,
    You can let folks know that I'd be happy to answer questions about either document. They can contact me at

